Local Hotels & Amenities

The following hotels are located within 15 minutes of our facility, perfect for those customers visiting us from greater distances who require more than a days worth of modifications to be performed on their vehicle. Feel free to visit our many local restaurants and various other attractions while awaiting the completion of your vehicle.

  • Super 8 - Leominster, 8 miles (978) 537-2800
  • Sheraton - Fitchburg, 12 miles (800) 325-3535
Local Restaurants
  • Black Sheep Taven - Walking Distance
  • Barber's Crossing, Full menu - Less than 1 mile
  • Meola's Ice Cream, Ice Cream only - 1 mile
  • Dunkin Donuts - Just over 1 mile
Things to do
  • Mulligan's Mini-golf - 1 mile
  • Loews Cinema, Searstown Mall, Leominster - 8 miles (978) 534-3536 for listings

With the commuter rail only minutes away, it is relatively easy take some time to explore the city of Boston. Take in the sites, see a show, even stay the night in one of the many hotels the city has to offer. Visit www.boston-online.com for touring information.